Next Bull Sale:

53rd Annual Bull Sale
Monday, Feb. 2, 2026

Burwell Livestock Market, Burwell, NE


Mike Sitz Angus Ranch & Joel Johnston Angus Hosts 52nd Annual Bull Sale

Mike and Debra Sitz and Family, and Joel and Bethany (Sitz) Johnston hosted their 52nd Annual Bull Sale at the Burwell Livestock Market, on Monday, February 3, 2025. The north wind gusted bitter cold, but the roads were clear allowing stress free traveling for those potential buyers attending the sale.

With each passing year the bull offering is more consistent, and following this pattern these bulls were the most uniform set of bulls offered yet by the Mike Sitz Family. Ninety-three head of Mike Sitz, Ransom Sitz, and Joel Johnston’s Coming- Two-Year-Old Angus bulls, averaged $8021.

The high selling bull came from the Joel and Bethany Johnston herd. Lot 75, JJA Century 3157, a son of home raised MSAR Emblazon 2092 - 4079 (Century), and dam, JJA Dora 8116 has Coleman Charlo 0256# and MSAR Chinook 3055 in her pedigree. This thick and deep, high ratioing Century son, sold to repeat customer Roger and Ronda Stewart, Dunning, Nebraska, for $17,000. A calving ease-bull, he had a 75-pound birth weight, with a 115 Wean Ratio and a 116 Yearling Ratio. EPD’s on Lot 75 are 11 CED, 0.2 BW, 57 WW, 105 YW, 6 CEM, 29 Milk, and ranking in the top 20% for $M with a 78 and top 30% in the angus breed for $EN.

Repeat customer, James Ritz, Arcadia, Nebraska purchased Lot 44, another son out of the Johnston herd, JJA Atlantis 3167, for $13,500. Lot 44 is a Square B Atlantis 8060 son, and the dam is a Pathfinder cow from the Marshall Queen cow line, and a MSAR Emblazon J 2092 – 4140 daughter. This bull had EPDs of -1 CED, 3.2 BW, 63 WW, 106 YW, 1 CEM Milk 30, and in the top 10% of the angus breed for $M with an 83. He had a Wean Ratio of 112 and a Yearling Ratio of 111.

Taylor Land & Cattle, Amelia, NE purchased Lot 2, Ransoms Justified 3010, a KG Justified 3023 son from the Blackbird cow line for $13,500. The dam is a daughter of MSAR Emblazon 2092. Lot 2 had a Birth Weight of 77 pounds and a Wean Ratio of 118 and a Yearling Ratio of 114. This bull ranked in the 24% of the angus breed for Docility and the top 2% for $M at 94.

Ransom’s Justified 3057, Lot 7, sold to Curtis Gurney, Burwell, NE for $13,000. Ransom Sitz’s herd descends from one cow in the Blackbird cow line, and Lot 7 was the heaviest calf at weaning, his grandam being one of the herd’s top producing cows. Lot 7 had a Wean Ratio of 120 and a yearling Ratio of 110 with a 42cm Scrotal. The bull is in the top 4% of the angus breed for $M at 91.

Another repeat customer, Brandon Bruha, Ord, NE took home Lot 8, MSAR Justified 3061, for $13,000. Another son of KG Justified 3023, this bull was from a Pathfinder dam and grandam, being the Blackbird cow line, with Papa Optima and CAR Chinnook 786 close in her pedigree. This bull had an 88-pound birth weight with a Wean Ratio of 112, a Yearling Ratio of 116 and a Scrotal of 42. He had EPD’s of CED of 8, and a BW of 0.7, a WW of 64, a YW of 117, and a CEM of 7.

Taylor Land & Cattle from Amelia, NE took home another KG Justified 3023 son for $13,000, JJA Justified 3177, Lot 17. The Sitz-Johnston herd used this bull as a yearling for AI cleanup. He had an actual birth weight of 78 pounds, a Wean Ratio of 100 and a Yearling Ratio of 110 with a 42 Scrotal measurement. The dam is from the Proud Formera cow family, having Sitz Dash, and Cole Creek Cedar Ridge 1V close up in her pedigree. Lot 17 had a EPD’s of CED of 7, a BW 0.5, a WW of 73 and a YW of 133, a CEM of 0, Milk of 26.

The high selling sire groups were the KG Justified 3023 sons averaging $9456, the second high-selling sire group were the LT Converse 8011 sons at $9517 followed by Square B Atlantis 8060 at $9083.

Mike Baxter, Ainsworth, was the auctioneer.


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